




Donation Details


Rp X.000.000

Date Issued


Bank Mandiri


Green Building Council Indonesia

Payment Date


Donation Status


Certification Details

Certification System


Grade A

Building Name

Office 9

Building Owner

PT Hijau Lestari


Jl. R. A. Kartini 1 No. 1 - Cilandak Jakarta Selatan 12345

  • This document is computer generated and does not require Registrar’s signature or the Organization’s stamp in order to be considered valid.
  • Donation is considered “valid” after payment is received by GBCI
  • This Invoice is valid for 45 days after the issued date written on this page.
  • Please contact [email protected] for more details.


Grade A
Buildings considered large can be more prone to energy loss due to several factors, including size, complexity, and design considerations. Greater surface area means more exterior walls, roofs, and windows contributing to excessive solar heat radiation. Larger buildings also have more complex ventilation and air distribution systems which are more challenging to manage and optimize resulting in unnoticed gaps, leaks, and inefficiencies. A tiny leak may lead to a huge loss.

Grade B
Mid-sized buildings share the biggest portion of the urban structure of Indonesia. Decarbonizing this category means decarbonizing more than half of the building industry. While optimizing and maintaining can be quite difficult, the demographic of most of the building occupants lies in the middle-class sector where awareness of sustainability and energy scarcity are still limited. The affordable pricing of the certification can become a viable approach to advancing Net Zero in Indonesia.

Grade C
Buildings in this typology are categorized as low-rise where energy consumption is usually less than most buildings in the above categories, excluding some special categories. Despite having a small or smaller contribution, moving towards Net Zero in this typology is an effective way to more livable city and space where most of the buildings in the category are residential. Easy application and affordable pricing are given as a reward for a more sustainable society.

Grade D
To achieve 100% circular, even the tiniest bit of resource should be put back into the loop. Smaller buildings may not contribute much to the whole issue, but as a part of the system, one cannot be completed without the support of others.


To complete your certification process, first you have to finish your donation status.


Important! Please check again your total donation and your booking code.

Our official Bank is :

Bank Mandiri 1170005643036
A.n Green Building Council Indonesia

Please avoid to do donation at these hours below 22.00-05.00 WIB due to Mandiri offline hour.