(+62) 21 2960 8012 Jakarta, Indonesia


In the landscape of Indonesia's push for low-carbon building and construction, the Ministries of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) and Public Works and Housing (PUPR) play pivotal governmental roles. Complementing their efforts, GBC Indonesia has emerged as a crucial third-party stakeholder, as acknowledged in their reports, driving the implementation of sustainable practices. Notably, GBC Indonesia's certification process for low-carbon buildings is both efficient and economically accessible, taking only 3 to 6 months to complete—approximately 50% faster than the standard GREENSHIP

The Relationship Between
Greenship Net-Zero
and other Greenship Rating

General green building rating systems such as Greenship NB, EB, Homes and DC use accumulation point evaluation. The general characteristics of this scoring approach are:

  • Category-by-category evaluation: Evaluation is done in partial steps, one category at a time.
  • Ease of implementation: By focusing on one aspect at a time, it is easier to evaluate and implement changes.
  • Track progress: Easier to measure and track improvements in each area.

Previously, in general, this type of approach rarely requires an integrated evaluation of interdependent aspects from different categories that imply the overall performance of a building. The existence of Greenship Net Zero is to ensure that there is an integrated and systemic approach within a green building for measuring the most important operational performance of a building, which is the balance between energy consumption with renewable energy used by a building. This systemic approach to Net Zero is characterized by:

  • Focus on the relationships between components: Such as understanding how outdoor microclimate interacts and affects indoor cooling performance, health and comfort, and energy use index.
  • More integrated design approach: Such as how can we balance low energy consumption with renewable energy onsite/offsite.
  • Aiming for comprehensive outcomes: All these interdependent aspects efforts will result in an overall performance that is a net zero operational building that fulfills the necessary basic requirement of a healthy and comfortable building.

Ideally, the common Greenship rating system will have a Greenship NetZero portion so we can have a more comprehensive rating that has a systemic approach to the most important operational carbon performance of a building. By combining both approaches, building owners can get double certification.


GREENSHIP NETZERO certification apply for new building and existing building that has implemented energy efficient building and compensates the carbon from energy consumed with renewable energy on- site, off-site and carbon offsets.

"We reaffirm our commitment to achieving Net Zero Emission of greenhouse gases/carbon neutrality by around mid-century, while considering the latest scientific developments and national circumstances …", 2022

GREENSHIP NZ is designed to be a focused and affordable certification

In the landscape of Indonesia's push for low-carbon building and construction, the Ministries of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) and Public Works and Housing (PUPR) play pivotal governmental roles. Complementing their efforts, GBC Indonesia has emerged as a crucial third-party stakeholder, as acknowledged in their reports, driving the implementation of sustainable practices. Notably, GBC Indonesia's certification process for low-carbon buildings is both efficient and economically accessible, taking only 3 to 6 months to complete—approximately 50% faster than the standard GREENSHIP certification for New Buildings and Existing Buildings. Additionally, this expedited route offers a substantial cost advantage, being 60% more affordable than the regular certification. The streamlined rating tool, designed for simplicity and focus, consists of just three categories and six criteria, ensuring a concise yet comprehensive assessment. Compliance with all categories is mandatory, ensuring that certified buildings meet all the necessary standards for low-carbon performance.




Register your building and input your building data then Our system will generate the next step.

Certify Your Building


Do your Donation as a part of meaningful way to contribute to the promotion of sustainable construction practices.

Choose Your Partner

Choosing your Partner to help accelerate your Building to achieve GREENSHIP Net Zero target.

Step 2


As GBC Indonesia support Government standards, We will make sure that the building is also align with Government standards.

Step 3


Assess your building through three different phases:

Design Recognition

Make sure your design is align with Net Zero standards as Passive design, micro climate and Renewable energy. At the end of this assessment, You will get RECOGNITION LETTER.

Final Assessment

Check your Building standard after finish the construction to make sure that your building is already in good performance and get your RECOGNITION LETTER.

Post Operational Evaluation

Measure your building's operational performance and see how much your building could reduce energy.

Step 4

Get Your Certification!

Finish all of your assessment and get your GREENSHIP NET ZERO CERTIFICATION.

4 Aspect to achieve Net Zero Operational Carbon

Energy Efficiency and Conservation

Achieving energy efficiency and conservation in Net Zero buildings hinges on a multifaceted approach that integrates state-of-the-art design strategies with cutting-edge technologies. At the outset, such buildings are designed to harness passive solar heating, natural ventilation, and daylighting, thus reducing the need for artificial heating, cooling, and lighting. High-performance insulation, energy-efficient windows, and airtight construction minimize energy loss, while smart building systems and energy management technologies allow for real-time monitoring and optimization of energy use. Renewable energy sources, like solar panels and wind turbines, are often incorporated to meet the building's minimal energy demands, ensuring the balance of energy consumption with clean energy production. These efforts are complemented by the selection of energy-efficient appliances and fixtures, alongside the use of advanced materials and building techniques that provide superior thermal properties. Through this holistic integration of design and technology, Net Zero buildings are not just minimizing energy use but are paving the way towards a sustainable, energy-independent future.

Renewable Energy

The critical role of renewable energy in achieving net-zero operational carbon in the building sector stems from its ability to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions by replacing traditional fossil fuel-based energy sources. The use of renewable energy sources such as solar, wind and hydropower not only provides a sustainable and inexhaustible energy supply, but also increases a building's energy independence, reducing dependence on volatile fossil fuels. This transition supports compliance with stringent environmental regulations and can attract economic incentives, resulting in long-term cost savings and increased energy security. In addition, buildings powered by renewable energy are likely to see an increase in property values and attract environmentally conscious tenants, increasing occupancy rates. By integrating renewable energy, buildings not only minimise their carbon footprint, but also position themselves as leaders in sustainability, improving their market competitiveness and overall reputation in an increasingly environmentally conscious marketplace.

Indoor Health and Comfort

The importance of indoor health and comfort in Net Zero buildings cannot be overstated, as these structures not only strive for environmental sustainability but also greatly influence the wellbeing and productivity of their occupants. Net Zero buildings prioritize the use of non-toxic, low-emitting materials to improve indoor air quality, alongside advanced ventilation systems that filter air and regulate humidity, ensuring a continuous supply of fresh, clean air. By integrating natural light and optimizing acoustics, these buildings also enhance the comfort and mental health of those inside. Thermal comfort is meticulously managed through innovative insulation and climate control technologies, ensuring that the interior environment remains stable and comfortable regardless of external weather conditions. This holistic approach to design acknowledges that a sustainable building must also support the physical and psychological health of its users, making indoor health and comfort a critical aspect of the Net Zero building movement.

Operational Carbon Balance

Operational carbon balance is pivotal in achieving Net Zero buildings, as it addresses the emissions produced from the energy used to operate a building throughout its lifecycle. Attaining this balance means that the total amount of carbon emissions associated with a building's energy consumption is equal to or less than the amount of renewable energy it creates on-site, over a specified time period. This balance is crucial because it ensures that the building's day-to-day functioning does not contribute to the increase of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. To achieve this, energy efficiency is maximized and operational demands are minimized through strategic design, advanced technologies, and the use of renewable energy sources. By focusing on operational carbon, Net Zero buildings demonstrate a commitment to ongoing sustainability and climate responsibility, reducing the overall carbon footprint and setting a benchmark for environmentally conscious construction and maintenance practices.

Certify Your Buildings

in the net zero movement with the Green Building Council Indonesia offers a unique opportunity to contribute to sustainable building practices in one of the world's most dynamic emerging markets